
Perception of non-native consonant length contrast - The role of attention in phonetic processing.

The present investigation examines English speakers’ ability to identify and discriminate non-native consonant length contrast. Three groups (L1 English No-Instruction, L1 English Instruction, and L1 Finnish control) performed a speeded forced-choice …

Perception of non-native consonant length in naïve English listeners

Perception of non-native consonant length in naïve English listeners

English speakers are sensitive to phonetic length (Pickett & Decker, 1960) but do not maintain a phonemic length contrast (Hayes, 2002). This study examines English speakers' ability to discriminate and identify intervocalic consonant length in …

Predicting accentedness - Acoustic measurements of Chinese-accented English

Perception of non-native contrast - Consonant length and L1 English listeners

Predicting accentedness - Acoustic measurements of Chinese-accented English

Listeners perceive foreign-accented speech as different from native speech because it deviates from native speaker acoustic targets. These deviations may occur across many acoustic dimensions such as word duration, vowel duration, vowel formant …